我們笑瞇了眼 抱的更近些
溫柔布揹巾裡 懷抱著甜甜寶貝
呵護啊 呵護 親親啊 親親
在心底 也在甜甜的風裡
溫柔布揹巾裡 懷抱著甜甜寶貝
呵護啊 呵護 親親啊 親親
在心底 也在甜甜的風裡
The wind tip-toes around us,
Squinting my eyes with a smile,
I hold you closer, my precious,
embraced in the tender soft cotton;
Loving care and kisses for my lovely!
Happiness, beyond words, Deepest in my heart, flying with the sweet wind.